Xabier Barrutieta seleccionado para el premio WAN 21 FOR 21, 2014

El WAN AWARDS 21 for 21 es una competición internacional que tiene como objetivo poner de relieve 21 arquitectos que podrían ser las grandes figuras de la arquitectura en el siglo 21. Personas y organizaciones sobresalientes y avanzadas a su tiempo que tienen el potencial demostrable de ser algo importante en el futuro de la arquitectura mundial. 

The WAN AWARDS 21 for 21 category is a major international competition aiming to highlight 21 architects who could be the leading lights of architecture in the 21st century. Outstanding, forward-thinking people and organisations who have the demonstrable potential to be the next big thing in the architectural world.

microurbanism ::: macroarchitecture

Enjoying the research on the dynamics of cities as well as the experience of building small scale specific architecture projects, draw my attention to explore the common territories between architecture and urbanism under the label of Urban Cells.

I feel very much attracted by the richness of the blurred territories between scales and decided to develop my PhD on this realm. But beyond theory, I looked for a project to put all this into practice; i.e. to be able to design simultaneously both the big and the small…

Orona Ideo – innovation city is a built project born out of the vision of an elevation and urban mobility company that fuses research, university and innovative business into one physical space within a new technology park. Apart from that, it is also a design experiment that condenses the investigations on microurbanism and macroarchitecture into a real work. The project is composed by a series of buildings –where the inclined circular shaped Orona Zero building stands out- that create a range of urban spaces among them, generating complex spatial situations that merge with the surrounding landscape.

Intense scale management overcame challenges such as making a technology park become a part of the urban tissue, managing traffic pedestrians and the public transport, designing a diverse series of buildings to be harmonious and share common urban spaces, optimizing common energy balance through bioclimatic design and common/distributed energy production, integrating green networks with the onsite and surrounding landscape… 

Ultimately, future knowledge on Urban Cells will evolve into finding innovative ways to think and act on cities as designers at hybrid scales between architecture and urbanism, both to design new modern cities and to rethink existing urban tissues.